Both Dan Bern's parents survived the Holocaust. He once said he called his regular group of backup musicians The International Jewish Banking Conspiracy because he "wanted some way of telling my Mom that from now on when they talk about the international Jewish banking conspiracy they’re just talking about my band."
Jerusalem is a wickedly funny song. It makes me laugh every time I hear it. I wish that was an exaggeration. I really do. You'd think once you've heard a really funny joke told a few dozen times you'd learn to control yourself. Part of it is that it's about the sensitive topic of religion, part is the faux-folk style Bern sings in, part of it is the absurd, near non-sequitor transition from the kinda cruel opening and the story that follows.
I told a few people that Jerusalem was Song 100 on the Political Song Countdown. They were pretty excited. Sorry rugby fans. April Fools.